Manage and Scale Your Business with Intrflex

Elevate your business operations with our powerful field management software. Say goodbye to tiresome management tasks and hello to increased efficiency. Take your business to the next level!

Job Suite

Job Suite.

Looking for an effortless flow of job documentation? The job suite offer a seamless and fluid operation from office to technician and back again. Keep up to date of all elements of a job with real-time updates, photos, messages, accommodation, stock and budgets.

Staff Performance

Staff Performance.

Keeping an effective workforce motivated can be challenging. Our performance indicator helps you identify areas where they can improve their performance. These can be monitored and updated whilst linked directly to appraisals.



Allow your staff to log their hours they work. Monitor their hours and approve or reject logged work hours as required. Convert the timesheet to pdf and forward to your payroll department. Approve or disapprove submitted holiday requests and track employee sick leave.

Asset Suite

Asset Suite.

Service intervals on all internal and external assets are managed through the asset suite. This feature will allow you to monitor vehicle fleets, machinery or mechanical assets and all of your stock materials. Each element is separated, easy to navigate and will accept logs, issues and repair requests.


Send Quotes & Invoices.

Effortlessly input your data – create invoices, download and email them to your customers. Keep them all organised under your contacts for easy reference, too.

Team Management

Team Management

From onboarding to time-tracking, our user-friendly HR module simplifies employee management, tailored to the needs of SMBs & growing startups.


Timeline Planner.

Perfect for schedules, planning, and staying organized! Coordinate meetings, track tasks, manage annual leave, plan events, and oversee projects effortlessly with our timeline functionality

Contact Suite

Contact Suite.

Stay on top of your contacts and clients with extensive data on deals, sales, locations, sites, call to actions, and logs. This CRM empowers you with total control over your business operations, ensuring you never miss a deal or meeting.



The central hub to access all the features, align your timeline with all your tasks and projects, see your pending and current jobs, edit your profile and clock in or out of the time sheets.

Project Management

Project Management

Intrflex brings unparalleled efficiency to your daily task management, enabling you to sort, prioritise, and execute projects seamlessly.



Organise your work schedules, events, jobs, meetings into different calendars. Assign calendars to other managers, team members, workers enabling viewing privacy and structure.

Annual leave and sick leave can also have their own calendar helping to view and organise time off.

Any Device

Access and update information on any device in real-time with our fully responsive and integrated platform.


Experience seamless coordination and organization with our centralized hub. We've designed the platform to be feature-rich yet incredibly intuitive

Team Unity

Streamline job info, staff notes, files, pics, and bills, keeping everything tied neatly to each customer or client area.

Your Work, Simplified!

Access all your essential work information right at your fingertips with our convenient job management software.

  • Effortlessly monitor all your Jobs, Annual Leave Requests, and Timesheets in one place.
  • GPS vehicle tracking and location-based time clocking.
  • Stay on top of company notifications and easily manage tasks assigned to you or from you
  • Navigate seamlessly through our intuitive and User-Friendly Interface
Signup Now!

Jobs & Work Orders Made Easy

Create, assign, and manage jobs with ease. Collaborate with your team in real-time across your entire company


Increased productivity & overview when organising jobs

Always Remember

No more paper jobs, everything is kept secure and available at a moments notice

Cost Analysis

Detailed cost breakdowns for every job, What does it really cost you?

Photos and Documents

Image galleries & documents specific to your job uploaded from anywhere

animated image of intrflex dashboard

Unify & Empower Your Teams

Tired of juggling multiple software subscription tools? Intrflex is here to simplify your operations, reclaiming your time, energy, and focus. Spend more time managing and growing your business with ease.

Improve your business today
  • CRM
  • Task manager
  • Work orders
  • Project management
  • Time sheets
  • GPS tracking
  • Quotes
  • Invoicing
  • File storage
  • Notifications

With Intrflex, your team members can effortlessly manage their daily tasks, jobs, and ongoing projects, fostering an environment where everyone can reach their goals effectively. Deliver excellent service provision and unparalleled customer service using Intrflex. The all in one solution for field service and job management.


Enhance Engagement

Increase Sales and Profits

Create professional company branded quotes on mobile or through a browser. Convert to pdf and email to the client in minutes.

Elevate your operational efficiency.

Drive faster sales for your business, create and deliver invoices at the click of a button ready for payment.

increased-sales-and-profits Fleet Management

Realtime tracking for all your assets

Real-time overview of all your vehicles whenever or wherever you need them.

Top features
  • Driver Linked & Driving Styles
  • Assign to any workorder
  • Vehicle speed information
  • Key travel data

Transform your productivity

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