The art of effective job scheduling

In the intricate tapestry of business operations, few threads are as essential as job scheduling. Whether you're managing a fleet of service vehicles or coordinating project

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Will an online task system promote business efficiency for teams

An online task management system can be a really good tool for organizing projects and business teams as it can offer several benefits...

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CRM Key Benefits

What exactly is a CRM More businesses than ever are using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software or services to optimise their businesses. But what is the purpose of a CRM and how could your business benefit from investing in one? CRMs have been around for decades, but early versions were often complicated to learn and

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Covid - 19 Lockdown

Life on Lockdown

I don’t think anyone could’ve imagined that COVID-19 would have affected so many people and businesses over the last month. So how are staff at intrflex managing their time and resource to keep moving forward as a business? Well, we have found that regular conversation and video calls helps to inspire content and features that

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Who, What, Where and Why Intrflex

We understand the challenges of a growing business: an influx of jobs, tasks scattered everywhere, communication breakdowns, and the frustration of not knowing why something remains unfinished. It's a chaotic situation, isn't it?

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Business Tech Solutions

How can businesses use technology to overcome challenges and become more efficient?  That’s the topic of this blog and it’s one that affects every business, whatever its size.  We all know that digital transformation has improved the workplace in many ways. The advent of cloud computing has meant that we can now access powerful software

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Intrflex Simplicity


How much easier would life and business be if things were simpler? Well, in 2020 it’s down to how simple YOU want to make your life and business. There is so much choice these days in everything we do, buy, use, that making the right decision in these ancillary items will surely simplify your world.

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Intrflex Simplicity

Managing Field Service Employees Performance Effectively

Managing your field service employee’s performance effectively can be challenging at times, however utilising management software can help your business to streamline the process and provide valuable insights into employee performance. Here are some tips for effectively managing field service employee’s performance and improving customer satisfaction while using management...

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Employee management and the power of timesheets

In the fast-paced world of business, where time is money and efficiencies are key, managing employees and their time effectively can be a game-changer

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Business Start Ups

What are the biggest challenges that we face when starting a business? The early questions of having an idea of what you’re going to offer, how you will get it to market, and how to retain customers for repeat business? To managing an existing business that is starting to grow and develop. So many businesses

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Intrflex Journey

Our Journey

Well, how far have we come to date…. I’m not sure this can be quantified in numbers, hours or nights burning the midnight oil 😊. The journey has had some very interesting times so far, we started with nothing and wanted a useable work order system for a contracting business. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we didn’t

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Intrflex Journey

More efficient jobs

Can work order software make jobs more efficient?

Absolutely it will. Any method of collecting job information and using it as an overview will provide valuable data, as any manager will know this enables insights into variables that can save budgets and costs.

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