Our Journey

Well, how far have we come to date….
I’m not sure this can be quantified in numbers, hours or nights burning the midnight oil 😊.
The journey has had some very interesting times so far, we started with nothing and wanted a useable work order system for a contracting business. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we didn’t find what we were looking for as an off the shelf solution so built a very rudimentary work order system with not a lot of money and it worked. It was 2017 when the idea first manifested itself, the rest is now very much history.
We had a huge knowledge of varying business practices which helped us build functional features that assist in day to day running of a business operation. This has proved invaluable in creating a system from the back forward, we have run the system in real life situations and have provided features that are needed. We haven’t over complicated the system guessing what businesses and customers need from features, we feel this it important!
So, each feature that you see on intrflex has been carefully thought out, built, re-built, discussed, altered and re-built again, this is consistent with our philosophy in delivering a better service tool time and time again.
We have loved coming up with better features and functionality so far which helps towards a smoother transition between customer, service provider, office, engineer, sales person and back to the office or client.
We’ve launched with a very functional and extremely useable platform which is packed full of thoroughly tested features, however we have soooo much more to deliver….. these will be dripping in regularly and we’ll also be taking feature requests. Contact us if you want a special request 😊
As a start up we are not heavily funded and things take a little more time (not much though as we’re passionate about code and functionality).
Keep in touch and follow us on all social channels for regular updates.

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